The People

Transforming ‘’ from its earliest conception as a totally ‘green’ overnight accommodation boutique hotel styled facility into reality has involved a large number of people and companies committed to making this project the blueprint for a worldwide ‘place to stay’ revolution.

Jill and John Seymour

The Directors. They are the driving motivation behind and its importance to the area. Friends with many amongst the community, they bought 80 Cullen Street in 2007 and 82 Cullen Street in 2008. Their vision for is to make it affordable and highlight the recycling, environmental and ecological advances fostered by Nimbin and its people since the Aquarian Festival of 1973, making a visible and accessible example of their enterprise.

Juan Lacape

The Designer. Selected amongst an international shortlist to design and develop an advanced, eco inspired, over night accommodation.


Damian Chapelle

Town Planner and Consulting Engineer, Damian has been involved in ‘’ evolution for the past 5 years and is our Lead Counsel with all planning and municipal negotiations.


Russ Dodson

Boutique Hotel Financial and Operations Advisory consultancy, Russ has produced the financial feasibility studies proving the financial viability of offering $99 per night, per room, set fee.

hotel assist

David Tusak

Fully automated Booking and Check In system, David has created an Australian developed ‘check in’ system, which allows booking and entry to your room without any human interface.
